Microcirculation Test (Nail Bed capillaroscopy)
Microcirculation Analysis or nail fold capillaroscopy, is widely used for the early diagnosis, prediction as well as prognosis for a variety of clinical diseases by detecting microcirculation changes.
It allows the nailfold capillaries to be visualized and it is a useful aid to the differential diagnosis of Raynaud phenomenon or other undifferentiated connective tissue disease.
Researches have shown that changes in the nail fold microcirculation can be one of the main manifestations of many disorders.
These methods allow direct visualization of the micro-circulation and vessel diameter, vessel density and red blood cell velocity can be measured. Microcirculatory analysis is made with semi-automatic analysis software.
Flow characterization obtained may be absent, intermittent, sluggish or normal.
The test indicates the presence of:
Cardiovascular Conditions (e.g. Hypertension / Stroke)
Scleroderma, a.k.a. Systemic Sclerosis
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Sjogren's syndrome